Latest Recipes

How To: Make Dried Pineapple Flowers

How To, Popular Posts

It’s been a while since I promised to show you how to make pineapple flowers.  And you’ve stuck around for this long. Forgive me? I know you would. Aren’t these pineapple flowers gorgeous? I saw them in a food magazine once and knew I had to try to make them. […]

Chinese Barbecued Pork (Char Siu)

Main Dishes

It’s been awhile since I’ve had really amazing Chinese barbecued pork.  Too long, actually.  Unfortunately, the ones sold in Chinatown here can’t quite compare to the flavorful, moist barbecue pork that are ubiquitous in Hong Kong.  They are often hanging on display in restaurant windows (and some even sitting on […]

Bittersweet Chocolate Mousse

Desserts and Sweets

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, I wanted to share a dessert recipe with all of you chocolate lovers out there.  The perfect meal on this day no doubt ends with a rich, decadent chocolate dessert, so I thought, what is more befitting than the classic chocolate mousse?  Each […]